The Sly Cooper series takes place in a version of the real world populated by anthropomorphic animals, with film noir and comic book motifs. The main protagonist, a young-adult raccoon named Sly Cooper, is the latest descendant in a line of master thieves. The Cooper Clan is notorious for only stealing from other thieves, and passes down their expert techniques from generation to generation in a book called the “Thievius Raccoonus.” While the Coopers have accumulated a massive hoard of wealth, Sly places greater value on his friendship with his partners-in-crime: Bentley, a turtle who acts as brains of the gang; and Murray, a hippo, who acts as the brawn and the getaway driver of the team van. The trio, known as the Cooper Gang, perform elaborate heists across the world, often taking down large and dangerous organized crime groups. On their travels they are pursued by Sly’s love interest, Inspector Carmelita Fox of Interpol.
Sly Cooper Collection for ps vita
$49.99 CAD
The Sly Cooper series takes place in a version of the real world populated by anthropomorphic animals, with film noir and comic book motifs. The main protagonist, a young-adult raccoon named Sly Cooper, is the latest descendant in a line of master thieves. The Cooper Clan is notorious for only stealing from other thieves, and passes down their expert techniques from generation to generation in a book called the “Thievius Raccoonus.” While the Coopers have accumulated a massive hoard of wealth, Sly places greater value on his friendship with his partners-in-crime: Bentley, a turtle who acts as brains of the gang; and Murray, a hippo, who acts as the brawn and the getaway driver of the team van. The trio, known as the Cooper Gang, perform elaborate heists across the world, often taking down large and dangerous organized crime groups. On their travels they are pursued by Sly’s love interest, Inspector Carmelita Fox of Interpol.
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